Jun 14, 2011

Patron Saint for those with ADHD?

In formation we are finishing up The Way of Perfection by Saint Teresa of Avila and on my own I am reading Interior Castle.  St. Theresa's writing is rambling and by her own admission her mind frequently wanders.  For those who like very ordered writing I wonder how they ever get through her writings.  Even with her frequent off topic musings, she expresses a humility and love of God that I can only aspire to.  And sets a wonderful example for those who struggle with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  She shows that even with all ones faults a person can attain great things through God.

As my Bishop likes to say, "Catholics aren't good listeners."  And he's right.  Our minds wander while in prayer, at Mass, and especially during the homily.  Theresa advises that one close their eyes to worldly things and distractions so they can better focus on God.  She also talks about having the image of Jesus in your mind as if you were two normal people having a conversation.  Now I don't know about her, but to me Jesus is anything but a "normal person".

These two simple acts have greatly helped my sense of focus during prayer and while in church.  My understanding of the rituals and words have opened up greater depths of appreciation and love during Mass. It makes it seem less like a chore and more like a piece of art that unfolds in new and unique ways to express our love for God.  In prayer I have grown closer to Jesus as he sits patiently listening to me pour out my soul to him.  At times I curl in his lap like a young daughter who needs comfort and other times I look upon him from afar in awe of his greatness.  I am grateful for St. Theresa's beautiful testament and instruction.


Give me focus 
in my thoughts 
and in my actions

Curb my tongue
from impulsive words

Stay my hand
from impulsive deeds

Fill my heart
with patience

Let all that I do 
be a glory to your name



  1. Wouldn't ADHD/ADD fall under the patronageif St Dymphna?

  2. I wasn't familiar with St. Dymphna so I had to look her up. Since she is the patron Saint of mental illness, ADHD/ADD would fall under her patronage. I don't think it hurts to have more than one Saint that you can turn to for help, though.

  3. ADD/ADHD isn't, strictly speaking, a mental illness.

  4. From what I have learned and understand about ADHD. Is that is suffered differently among people; some experience symptoms worse than others. The sad part about this neurological disorder is that if it is not addressed with therapy, through education or medication while they are young and when they grow to adults its very hard to assimilate towards society expectations and many fall into low self esteem, depression, eventually drug addiction etc. and will not realize why there life is so hard.

  5. I like that there is a patron saint of A.D.D. who has the same name as me.

  6. I like that there is a patron saint of A.D.D. who has the same name as me.

  7. It is neurological, which I think would keep it in that
    brain category. Most people don't understand that many of the people with which we are overly strict, are trying but are unable to stand up to the demands of society which causes depression and anxiety which is a mental illness and therefore doubles down on their need for an intercessor.

  8. Adhd is not an illness but acts as an lowered function in society. This is The offisil position of medial expertis today. Yes it is neurologi al but not a deceese but a variation that is normal and have exceptionally positive function in human development. It is also paired with specific genes. People with these genes function better in some sircumstances and worse in others. Our Western society expect People to behave and function in a very unnatural way, for examples sittning still for most of The Day listning to something you dont need for yhe moment (school). In This situation someone with adhd have low function. But IF there is more action and alarm, even a catastrophy or just nesessity to find new solutions to new problems every day, someone with adhd will often function better than average. Therefor we are great firefighters, entrepeneurs, police, inventors, explorers, etc. A women with Adhd that works as chief doctor at the acute surgery in Carolinska hospital in Stockholm expresed it thus: "The more seriously injured the patiant is, The better I become at my work" person with adhd is one that can operate a hospital or a symphonia Orchestra with perfektion but still Will never remember where he or she put The car Keys. It is lso The person that Will forget your birthdy but Will be able to plan and throw together a fantastic party that overwealms you in just 20 minuters.
    ADHD is not an illness. It is a personal trait that is experienced as a dysfunktion in Our society
